Company name on VAT Registration: | INTRADA CHARTERING LIMITED |
VAT number: | GB 523046676 |
VAT ID: | 523-046-676 |
Jurisdiction of VAT number: | United Kindom (UK) |
Issuing Authority of VAT number: | HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) |
VAT status: | Valid VAT Number |
Address on VAT Registration: | 75 MAIN ROAD, GIDEA PARK, ROMFORD, RM2 5EL |
Period when VAT number issued: | Issued before November 2009 |
Last checked by us: | 2024-10-27 |
INTRADA CHARTERING's VAT Number is GB523046676
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Legal name of company: | INTRADA CHARTERING LIMITED |
Company Registration Number: | 02279233 |
Company Status: | Active |
Country of origin: | United Kingdom |
Jurisdiction Authority: | Companies House |
Incorporation date: | 1988-07-21 |
Company/Entity type: | Private Limited Company |
Industry SIC Codes: | 50200 - Sea and coastal freight water transport |
Registered office address: | 75 MAIN ROAD GIDEA PARK ROMFORD RM2 5EL |
Previous legal names of company: | No name changes of the legal name of the company have been made or recorded |
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SCOTLINE LIMITED | GB440376171 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
KOYO TRADING COMPANY LTD | GB982556676 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT EXPLORER SHIPPING LTD | GB845572307 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOT NAVIGATOR SHIPPING LIMITED | GB264340516 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
HOHEBANK SHIPPING LIMITED | GB645706525 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
INTRADA ENGINEERING LIMITED | GB766245803 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE LIMITED | GB440376171 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (MEDWAY) LTD | GB523217969 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOT RANGER SHIPPING LTD | GB664046144 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOT MARINER SHIPPING LTD | GB774729680 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOT VENTURE SHIPPING LTD | GB784741885 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOT CARRIER SHIPPING LTD | GB856504708 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOT LEADER SHIPPING LIMITED | GB251386703 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (TRANSIT) LIMITED | GB303870084 | ROY JOHN BROOKS - common director relationship |
INTRADA ENGINEERING LIMITED | GB766245803 | CINDY LEE CRANCHER - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE LIMITED | GB440376171 | CINDY LEE CRANCHER - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (MEDWAY) LTD | GB523217969 | CINDY LEE CRANCHER - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (TRANSIT) LIMITED | GB303870084 | CINDY LEE CRANCHER - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (MEDWAY) LTD | GB523217969 | BARBARA JANET MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT EXPLORER SHIPPING LTD | GB845572307 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT NAVIGATOR SHIPPING LIMITED | GB264340516 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
HOHEBANK SHIPPING LIMITED | GB645706525 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
INTRADA ENGINEERING LIMITED | GB766245803 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (MEDWAY) LTD | GB523217969 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT RANGER SHIPPING LTD | GB664046144 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT MARINER SHIPPING LTD | GB774729680 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT VENTURE SHIPPING LTD | GB784741885 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT CARRIER SHIPPING LTD | GB856504708 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT LEADER SHIPPING LIMITED | GB251386703 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (TRANSIT) LIMITED | GB303870084 | PETER THOMAS MILLATT - common director relationship |
SCOT EXPLORER SHIPPING LTD | GB845572307 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
HOHEBANK SHIPPING LIMITED | GB645706525 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
INTRADA ENGINEERING LIMITED | GB766245803 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE LIMITED | GB440376171 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOTLINE TERMINAL (MEDWAY) LTD | GB523217969 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
KOYO TRADING COMPANY LTD | GB982556676 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOT RANGER SHIPPING LTD | GB664046144 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOT MARINER SHIPPING LTD | GB774729680 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOT VENTURE SHIPPING LTD | GB784741885 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOT CARRIER SHIPPING LTD | GB856504708 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
SCOT LEADER SHIPPING LIMITED | GB251386703 | MARION TERASE FRANCES OSBORNE - common director relationship |
Director relationship are where a current director of is either a current or resigned director of a company above
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